Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Christopher Columbus: Hero or Villian?

Many people differ in opinions on whether Columbus Day should be celebrated or not. Some say he is a hero because he discovered the New World. Others say he is a villian, and did more damage than good.

I personally believe that Columbus day should be celebrated. Although Christopher Columbus did treat the Native American's poorly, he was the first documented European to actually explore and chart the "New World". We have celebrated the day for several years, why take it away now? I believe he still deserves respect, honor, and recognition. I would not necessarily call him a hero. A hero has no one definition. It depends on your perspective of the person or situation. Someone might consider a person a hero, while another person or group of people see them as villians. So I believe that even though Christopher Colombus is no hero, he still deserves to reserve his place in history by having one day out of the year in honor of him.


  1. i totally agree with you, but i think he should be celebrated for having the courage to venture out into the Atlantic ocean, without totally knowing what was there.

    and you kinda get side tracked with the whole definition of a hero thing...

  2. My bad... haha. I was just trying to explain my point of what I believed a hero to be. :p

  3. I understand where you're coming from on the fact that yes, although it was an accident, he still discovered it. I just don't think he should be celebrated for it. Nice responce though =] You do make an great point Clifton.

  4. I like how you explained your idea against other's ideas of what a hero is. It does depend on the individual's opinion on hero or not. Every person has flaws; no individual is perfect. It is up to the individual to determine whether they can look past those flaws or not.

    However, I think you might be stretching the point of "charthing the 'New World'". If you mean by notice and announce that it exists and it's there, then sure. Also remember that he only landed in the Bahamas and parts of South America. Christopher Columbus never saw the North American mainland.
